USE – APPLICATION: Advanced Network Devices (“ANetD”) products are not intended or tested for any particular application, including, but not limited to, life safety or any other application where bodily harm, death, or monetary or other damage, including loss of business, may result from improper use, malfunction, or defect. Use of ANetD products for any purpose is solely the customer’s responsibility, who must test for the application they serve, ensure proper usage, and employ redundant or other appropriate mechanisms, if needed, to ensure use for their particular purpose.
USE OF ADVANCED NETWORK DEVICES PRODUCTS IS THE CUSTOMER’S RESPONSIBILITY. Also, ANetD is not liable for any interactions or usage with any 3rd party software that a customer or end-user may use to communicate or interface with ANetD devices, and ANetD makes no warranties or representations that any 3rd party software works with ANetD devices. ANetD may make available firmware upgrades, as it sees fit. However, ANetD is not obligated to do so. Third-party software providers that are approved to be used with ANetD devices are listed on the ANetD website (“Approved”). It is only these Approved providers that ANetD focuses on when making firmware testing and modifications. ANY FIRMWARE UPDATES APPLIED TO AN ANETD DEVICE THAT USES A THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE COMPANY OR VENDOR WHO IS NON-APPROVED MAY RENDER THE ANETD DEVICE INOPERABLE WITH THAT SOFTWARE OR OTHERWISE IMPACT ITS FUNCTIONALITY. ANY FIRMWARE UPDATE TO AN ANETD DEVICE USING UN-APPROVED THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE IS DONE AT YOUR OWN RISK.